New Kola/Kitsa fishing program for season 2022. Giant Atlantic salmon in Russia
Varzuga's tributary Kitsa is among best places on south of Kola Peninsula, here's why...
Kitsa river (tributary of Kola) may be the best fishing trip around Murmansk...
What to expect in early season on Kola Peninsula, rivers of White sea.
Kola river - why its worth a trip to this legendary river and test your limits. Big fish in Russia
Few words about nymphing and plastic tubes in cold water
Atlantic salmon fishing on south of Kola peninsula. Observations, tips, questions and more...
Atlantic salmon fishing in cold water, Kola Peninsula, October 2019. End of the season
Atlantic salmon fishing in Autumn, Kola Peninsula. Tactics and ideas...
Atlantic salmon fishing in Kola Peninsula. Autumn season. Weeks 01-14 September
Atlantic salmon fishing in Kola Peninsula. Autumn season. Week 23-30 August
Part 2. Autumn and Spring fish on Kola Peninsula rivers. White sea. Varzuga perfect example.
Autumn and Spring fish on Kola Peninsula rivers. White sea. Varzuga perfect example.
Chavanga Autumn 2018. Week 06.10 - 15.10
Chavanga Autumn 2018. Week 29.09 - 06.10
Chavanga Autumn 2018. Week 22.09 - 29.09
Chavanga Autumn 2018. Week 15.09 - 22.09
Chavanga Autumn 2019. Week 8.09 - 15.09
Chavanga river fishing report 07.06 - 14.06
Chavanga river fishing report 01.06 - 07.06