Giant Hucho taimen tour
The main issue for salmon fishing in Russia. Where to sleep, what to eat?
Common mistakes when fishing salmon on the Kola river
Salmon fishing in a cold water. Chavanga autumn 2013
Kola river salmon fishing, some details
Taimen fishing. Giant fish. Tugur river. Habarovsk region.
Salmon fishing in Russia. What I think of fishing salmon. Parts 1 - 2 - 3 and 4
Big trout fishing. One program - salmon and big trout tour. Strelna river
Non traditional salmon fishing
Autumn salmon fishing in Russia. Kola peninsula. Little summary of Chavanga & Strelna fishing to
Best season of salmon fishing. Chavanga autumn
Hucho taimen fishing. Part 3
Different view on salmon fishing
Hucho taimen. Part 1. Habarovsk region, Russia
Humpback salmon is our friend!
Fishing technique. A quick view on salmon and trout fishing
With the fly rod in the Kola Peninsula
Nymph salmon fishing
W Krolestwie Lososia. Salmon fishing in Russia